We all live with duality in our lives. One, the narcissist and the other is an eternal quest of perfecting the relationships we maintain. On one hand we are constantly improving on the personal front, and then the other hand, we're on the quest for bettering our bonds and relations. So, what is the perfect relationship? If you ask me, I'd tell you -"The ones everyone live with everyday." Kinda vague isn't it? Well, there's no perfect concept of a perfect relationship. The bond that we all share, whether it is with each other, our besties, parents, or siblings are the ones that are intricate and yet beautifully simple when you look at the larger picture.

You can't expect a straight path always, could you? There're always upsides and downsides to everything. Same goes for every little bond you share. I, for once had a love-hate relationship with my grandmother. That was when I had my grandfather. I'd always side with him and make my grandmother the antagonist. Now that I look back, I smile at everything that I felt for her. After my grandfather's death, I realised the need to connect with my grandma and love her all the more. <3 We now bond and hold out for each other so well, all the bitterness is forgotten. She feeds me till I gain some pounds and I compliment her each passing day. Little sweet gestures and shared anecdotes make up our days.
Am sure, everyone goes through phases with every relationship. Whether its the rebellious parent-kid stage, the "sibling-rivalry-then-back-to-best-buddies" stage, the "just friends to best friends" phase or even the "Just engaged to the star crossed lovers stage", every relationship is a journey. Every journey is fun!
Likewise as they say, "Wine tastes better with age", the same goes for any relationship. Its just a matter of time before they come around. Sooner or later. . .