Monday, 17 March 2014

The Great Examination Circus.

             Phew! I just braved through a fortnight of back to back exams and it took no rocket science to decipher the drama that unfolds during each exam. We all have our exam woes, lets confess. Be it the insomniac habits we follow, erratic schedules, huge huge portions that we never touched all year long, or to sum it all up . . . Exams are a pain the wrong place. -_-

Like for starters, we all burn the midnight oil. Don't we?

Except that it is more of Whatsapping, and Instgramming your study woes rather than actual concentrated study. 

And the morning of the exam. . . 

This is how we all wake up to the blaring alarms of exam. :P
But lets face it, if you ever had the insight and the time to observe the different characters that live within the examination hall, you would do quite well by delving deep into their thought processes and behaviours.
You'd never be short of amusing characters in the exam hall. Presenting to you . . .

1.The Human Encyclopaedia 

Chances of this person being a girl is more. These breed enter the hall with an air of insolence like an A-listed Hollywood star, for the sole saving grace that every back bencher are going to be at their mercy. The level of question paper difficulty  has no effect whatsoever on these people, because they write like a man possessed by Newton himself. 

And if the Nerd is a guy, chances are he would just smirk at you in vengeance for all the lame geek taunts you  pulled on him for studying hard throughout the year and for being a social recluse. This is how he will enter. .  . 

2.The All-rounder ass

These are worse than the Human encyclopaedias. These naturally gifted popular all-rounders who won't help you if they want. Not because they're too upright or anything, but simply for the thrill of having the last laugh. They pretend not knowing anything, but when in reality they're already scoring the highest on the test (Surprise surprise) in their minds. Ask them, "Which state has the highest child mortality rate?" and you'll get back this . . . 

3.The "Gandhigiri" people

Oh my goodness, don't let me get started on these people who are from the Gandhian era. SatyaMeva Jayate is their only favourite show. These people won't cheat to pass or allow anybody else to do the same. God bless these souls. They don't make people like 'em anymore. 

4.The Ogler

There are a few Oglers too. Without whom this list is pointless. These oglers need a chance to peek, ogle, stare and just have a deep long look into others papers. This behaviour demands a certain level of skill wherein you need to dodge the intrusive invigilators 

             The other skill being the ability to look into other students' answer sheets without looking retarded.

5.The Easy-going Jack

Most of us belong to this category of easy going Jacks and Jills who don't know a shit about what's supposed to be the question paper. Those 3 hours are nothing short of a sitcom what with the priceless expressions on each person's face. The reactions of other people are more amusing than the question paper itself. These Jacks be like. . .  


6.The Invigilator 

Give some thought to the poor invigilator who is standing his feet sore just for the sake of your exams. 3 hours of looking down on these kids . . . 

Or quieten the uproar thats taking place in the hall. . . 
Or at the best, play the worst spoilsport during the last 5 minutes of the exam . . .

    And yes, we do have our reactions after the exam. 

But don't let that fool you, its only a matter of hours before those sunken eyes turn into this. . . .

 And THAT my friends, sums up The Great Examination Circus.